
The Beginning of the End

IObit Driver Booster Pro Crack s of human pregnancies in the world today: planned and unplanned. The category of unplanned pregnancy can be further broken down into wanted and unwanted. Being unplanned and unwanted is one of the worst fates that could ever befall a child.* My Little Dude is a lucky kid. He falls into the interesting subcategory of being unplanned but miraculously wanted. Eleven years ago today, I had my face mask covered nose pressed against the plexiglas wall of my infant son�s incubator. It was surreal. I�d spent 5 years of my life believing that I would never have a child. Then I got knocked-up. It was so nuts! Unbelievable! A little scary! Honestly, not great timing! But� holy shit I get to be a mom! Then I hit a snag and delivered in my 32nd week. I�ll never forget how I felt the first time I saw my child�s face. To this day I can't describe it. I couldn't hold his terrifyingly small body. Machines were breathing for him. Tubes were feeding him. The...
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